Jesuit Life, Community Life and Apostolic Life

Jesuit Life, Community Life and Apostolic Life
Reflection of Homiletics Class

-Antonius Siwi Dharma Jati, SJ-
In this reflection, I would like to review and reflect upon my homiletics class which I have been learning for almost 6 months. Nothing is useless as far as we are able to see it with a positive thinking. One of the best opportunities in this Juniorate Programmes is homiletics or public speaking class. At this time, I am so grateful that there are a lot of improvements so far after practising public speaking. There are 3 things from the homiletics class which make me grateful at this moment: Jesuit life, community life and apostolic life.
First of all, I obtain the knowledge of Jesuit life from the sharing of my friends and also my own sharing. In the Novitiate, I have learned Constitution of the Society of Jesus, Spiritual Exercises, Letters of Ignatius and so on. After taking my vows, I do not want to lose these spiritual knowledge and understanding. That is why I always read some Jesuit books during this programme as my spiritual reading, because perhaps there is no more time to deepen the Jesuit life after this. I can imagine when I am in the Philosophy, I must be very busy and I will probably never think about the Jesuit life. Every time we share about Jesuit life, I am always pleased and being very attentive of that sharing, because those are the ways of our preceding which we have to live as Jesuits.  
Secondly, it is about community life. I also obtain a sense of community by learning homiletics in this class. There are many themes of our talks about personal life. We can share about our families, relationship with others, difficulties and so on. I realise that to be open with somebody else is not easy. However, in this class, I notice that we are open enough with our friends as if we can trust them. Even though, sometimes we look shame when we would like to start our very personal sharing, finally we can feel comfortable. After listening to my friends’ sharing, I usually ask them personally outside the class. Furthermore, most of them would like to add their sharing more detail. It makes my relationship with the community closer.
Thirdly, it is about apostolic life as a Jesuit. I cannot imagine if in the days to come as a Jesuit Priest, I cannot speak and proclaim the good News of God to the people properly. Proclaiming the Gospel is my main duty, so I must practise it from this moment.  I have to be able to proclaim and teach the people as well. Otherwise, the people listening to our talks will not be inspired and interested. I am grateful for having some practices of public speaking which can improve my skill of public speaking.
In brief, I feel that this class has given me a lot of things which are helpful for me as a Jesuit in the days to come, particularly in 3 things: Jesuit life, community life and apostolic life.  Henceforward, I would like to practise how to speak by being faithful in learning English or Bahasa Indonesia. That way is the most effective and possible at this time. Hopefully, I can always improve my skill of public speaking.  AMDG


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